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String methods and Properties in Python | Learn Python in Urdu

What You Will Learn:
Master Python the most popular programming language in the world.
Learn how to use Python in Web Development
Become a professional Python Developer and get hired
Build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up!
Learn to use Object Oriented Programming with classes!
Learn different Concepts in python and start your career as a programmer.
You will be able to use Python for your own work problems or personal projects.
You will learn how to leverage the power of Python to solve tasks.
Be able to use Python for data science and machine learning
Learn about different types of data that we can manipulate in python.
Learn object-oriented programming in python.
You will be able to program in Python professionally
Learn about different kinds of operators in Python

After completing the Python course, you will be able to write code in python. Python is the most in-demand skill in the market. You will learn all the concepts in python to get started your career as a Programmer or Software Engineer. If you don’t know anything about programming, then this course is best for you. You can start your career as Software Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, Data Engineer after learning python. You just have to learn different libraries and frameworks after completing this course

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language. Which is the most popular programming language in the world. Python is used for different purposes, and it is also in high demand. You can use python for Web development, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. You can choose any filed after learning Python. You can go to backend development, machine learning, and data science and you can also use python for Automating your tasks.

Before starting this course, you should have a working knowledge of the Following:
• Basic Knowledge of Computer
• Basic Programming Language
This training is compatible with Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11 MAC operating systems.

You are hereby advised to visit and get yourself certified in Python Course in Urdu/Hindi, furthermore, you'll have to meet the following criteria for earning this particular Registered Certification.

You will have to complete all 33 lessons through Virtual Academy Online Learning Management System at
Every lesson has 3 to 5 quizzes, which you must have to pass with 70% marks.
You need to submit your project/assignments on time.
After completion of Virtual Academy offered Python Basics to Advance lessons via Online Learning Management System there will be a final exam which comprises 50 to 100 questions.

After assessing your account with and whether you meet all the above terms and conditions, we will dispatch your Certificate/Diploma to your given address.

Course Contents

1. Introduction
• What is Python
• Uses of Python
• Why learns python
2. Setting up Jupyter Notebook for Python development.
3. Data types
• Numbers
• Strings
• Lists
• Dictionaries
• Sets
• Tuples
• Booleans
4. String Formatting
5. String Indexing and Slicing
6. String Methods and Properties
7. Print formatting with strings
8. List data type
9. List methods
10. Dictionaries
11. Sets
12. Tuples
13. Booleans
14. Comparison Operators
15. Logical Operators
16. Conditionals
17. If, elif and else
18. Loops
19. For loop
20. While loop
21. List comprehension.
22. Functions in Python.
• Creating function
• Returning values from function
• Arguments in functions
23. *args and **kwargs in python
24. Object-oriented programming.
• Creating classes and objects
• Class attributes
• Class methods or functions
• Inheritance
• Polymorphism
25. Pip installs
26. Python packages and Modules
27. Error and Exception handling
28. File Handling

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