A guided tour of the industrial commercial refrigeration training course.

The most comprehensive of all air-conditioning and refrigeration engineering distance learning courses. If you are seeking commercial refrigeration training courses or even industrial refrigeration training, this certificate refrigeration course has got you covered.

This foundational knowledge may also be helpful to those who make commercial refrigeration repairs, even commercial refrigerator repairs. Also for those doing commercial air conditioning repair and those performing commercial refrigeration service who want to have a better understanding of the refrigeration systems, they are servicing.

Vocational and technical schools, as well as colleges around the world, use this course to supplement their own air-conditioning and refrigeration engineering courses. Sometimes instructors will just use the refrigeration cycle animations and others in the class on an overhead projector as a training tool for class.

For those interested in...
industrial refrigeration, commercial refrigeration, air conditioning training, HVAC training videos, refrigeration cycle, refrigeration system, refrigeration and air conditioning lectures, refrigeration cycle animation, commercial refrigeration troubleshooting, air conditioning theory, air conditioning troubleshooting