Learn how to add a GIF to Google Slides in 60 seconds in this short tutorial. ► Find Amazing Google Slides Presentation Templates with Envato Elements: https://elements.envato.com/presentation-templates/compatible-with-google-slides?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_V0NzmFTyz8U&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description

A GIF animation is a great way to add fun variety to your presentation. They can be much more engaging than still images, because motion does a better job capturing audience attention. In this screencast, you’ll learn multiple ways to add GIFs to Google Slides in just 60 seconds.

First, you'll learn how to add a downloaded GIF to your Google Slides presentation. Then, you'll learn how to move and resize a GIF image on your slide.

There are other great ways to add GIFs to your presentation. Suppose there is a GIF you want to use online, but you don’t have it downloaded. No problem. You can actually host a GIF at a web URL and Google Slides will pull it right onto the slide. We'll show you how to do this as well. Just be sure the creator has the GIF licensed for use in others’ work.

As you can see, GIF images bring new life to a presentation. They’re a modern and fun visual way to tell your story and communicate your message. Start using them today and watch your audience become more engaged.

To review the complete written tutorial on how to add a GIF to Google Slides, go to this URL: