Text boxes in Google Slides are the best way to add text to any area of your slide. They’re easy to add. But, just as importantly, they’re easy to delete. Learn how to delete text boxes in just 60 seconds with this quick screencast.

Of course, before you can delete a text box, you must have one on your slide. Text boxes are great for adding text in areas not covered by your chosen slide layout. Plus they’re super easy to add and manipulate.

Fortunately, deleting a text box in Google Slides is incredibly easy. Once you've deleted it, then the space on your slide will be available for new creative uses.

You can also undo deleting a text box in Google Slides. Suppose you’ve deleted a text box, but suddenly realize you need it back. Have no fear—undoing text box deletion is a super-easy step in Google Slides. We'll show you how to do that as well.

Text boxes are the best way to customize text placement in your Google Slides presentation. They’re both easy to add and easy to delete. This ease makes them the perfect addition to your creative presentation toolbox - text comes and goes as you please, with only a few seconds’ work.

For the written tutorial on how to delete a text box from Google slides, go here: