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When appropriately added, animation in a presentation can grab and hold the audience's attention. In Apple's Keynote, there are a variety of animation features that keep your presentation moving with energy.

There are various types of animation:
1. Keynote slide transitions are the animations that play when you jump from one slide to the next.
2. Object animations allow objects to move around on a single slide.
3. Magic Move is the best of both worlds, as objects can jump between different slides for smooth animations.

You might have worked with animations in the past. Simple animations can move what's on a slide from one spot to another, for example. You might have also worked with Keynote slide transitions, the effects that play when you switch between slides in a presentation.

Keynote offers a hybrid between these two animations with Keynote Magic Move. As you move between slides, objects can create a beautiful segue that carries consistency through to subsequent slides.

Magic Move is a Keynote-specific feature that can be used to create slick animations that jump between slides. With Magic Move, an object can smoothly animate between two slides. When you advance between slides, that object will animate smoothly, jumping to a different size and position on the next slide.

Keynote's Magic Move feature creates some slick Keynote slide transitions for objects on slides. With a Magic Move transition, you can create animations across slides.

Adding animation to a Keynote presentation doesn't have to be difficult. Let's learn how to use Magic Move in Keynote in this tutorial. For a written guide on Apple Keynote Magic Move go this URL: http://business.tutsplus.com/tutorials/keynote-magic-move--cms-31554?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_Kvlf5RirL4E&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description