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Learn how to add animations in Keynote in this short tutorial.

Animations can help you build suspense or hold attention with your audience in a presentation. Using animation to reveal a key fact or chart, for example, can make an impact. Bringing an essential element on a slide with animation is like saving the punchline for a joke for the perfect moment.

When it comes to building a presentation, I find myself using Apple Keynote. Keynote is Apple's answer to the popular PowerPoint presentation software and features one of the easiest-to-use interfaces in any presentation app. That ease-of-use leads users to try Keynote for all types of design, like UI animations for example. That includes easy-to-apply animations that can deliver impactful reveals or move objects on your slide.

In this tutorial, we're going to tackle Keynote animations. Apple's Keynote software is one of the most accessible tools for building presentations, and its animation capabilities are no exception. You can even create cartoons using Keynote At the end of this tutorial, you'll understand Keynote animation. You'll know how to apply animations to objects, charts, graphs and more so that you can grab and hold the audience's attention.

Learn even more about Keynote animation in the written tutorial: http://business.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-add-animations-in-keynote--cms-31711?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_BceOs0BeuOU&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description