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Kinetic typography is the slick-looking effect you may have seen before with easy animations on clean, brightly colored backgrounds. You can actually create these text videos in Keynote. You'll use these often for explanatory type videos, for example.

If you know how, you can add kinetic typography word animations to Keynote quickly. Watch this short tutorial screencast for step-by-step instructions to find out how.

We'll start the tutorial with some basics, like showing you how to choose a good font for word animations. Then you'll learn how to add a word animation in Keynote quickly using the Add an Effect button. Plus, you'll find out how to set the timing for the kinetic typography effects so that they occur at the same time.

Once you've added a few word animations to Keynote presentation, repeat adding kinetic typography effects to more text and more slides to really create an animated kinetic video presentation.

Finally, we'll share more resources to help you learn more about creating effective Keynote presentations. We'll even share a link to a free eBook on presentations that you can download.

Consider adding kinetic typography effects to your next Keynote presentation to add excitement and help your presentation stand out. For a written tutorial that goes along with this video screencast, go to this URL: http://business.tutsplus.com/tutorials/use-kinetic-typography-in-keynote--cms-31786?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_GzUlvU0xl_I&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description