8 Bodyweight exercises in an exciting variable format to tone and strengthen your whole body - no equipment required! Add variability to your workouts with differing sets, reps, and exercises every time. The perfect at-home workout to tone your legs, arms, back, chest, and abs.

30-MINUTE DUMBBELL HITT WORKOUT: https://youtu.be/xbJb_UuQoXM

TOTAL PLANK WORKOUT: https://youtu.be/_lfR4sl0ZCE

12-MINUTE STANDING ABS: https://youtu.be/fgK4Sw_ZxLI

One of the key components behind gaining strength and increasing muscle tone in your body is the variability of your workouts. It’s crucial that you continually push the limits for your muscle groups in order for them to continue to see progress and results.

Oftentimes this can seem difficult when working out at home as we are typically more limited with the resistance we can add and the exercises we can perform.

Well today I’m here to put an end to all of that! This is one of my favorite workouts to help you outside your comfort zone and push your limits. The best part? It’s completely variable each and every time you perform it! You will literally never perform this same workout twice!

The key to the variability in this workout comes from one key component - a deck of cards! Here’s how it works…

You’ll count 20 cards off the top of a deck of cards. As you turn each one over, the different suits represent a different type of exercise (push, pull, legs, and abs) and the number on the cards represents the number of reps you’ll do for that particular set.

The suits and body areas are as follows:

HEARTS - PUSH EXERCISES - Push Ups and Triceps Dips

DIAMONDS - PULL EXERCISES - Inverted Rows and Swimmers

SPADES - LEG EXERCISES - Alternating Lunges and Squats

CLUBS - ABS EXERCISES - Reverse Crunches and Crunches

As you draw your cards, perform the recommended exercise according to the suit, the number of reps according to the number on the card (+5, +10, or +15 reps to make it more difficult), and then draw your next card. The next time you draw the same suit, you’ll perform the opposite exercise from what you performed the time previously.

Sounds confusing, I know - but just watch the first 4 minutes of the video and everything is explained. You can even follow along with the entire 20-minute workout in the video above.

If you don’t have a deck of cards, simply tell Google, Siri, or Alexa to “draw a card” for you!

This is a great home workout that you can do anytime, anywhere, with zero equipment required (well - that is if you don’t count the deck of cards as equipment!). It works every major muscle group in your body and is a great way to take your results to the next level.

Try it out and let me know what you think in a comment below!

Also if you’re new here be sure too subscribe to my channel here on YouTube so you never miss a new video from me.