Lose your love handles and melt your muffin top right at home with five of the best exercises for love handles! This follow-along love handle workout will tone and shape your sides and obliques to enhance your curves and accentuate your hourglass. Best part is all these exercises are diastasis recti friendly so they are perfect for post-pregnancy moms to trim and tone their stomachs.

THE MOMMY TUMMY FIX WORKOUT PLAN: https://www.toneandtightenstore.com/mommytummyfix

TONE AND TIGHTEN’S POSTPARTUM FITNESS YOUTUBE VIDEO PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT4Yite3Tx5nV9K2geZIg5oKRuL_X9Ph8

One of the best ways to trim your waist line and to tighten up your curves is it by training your core oblique muscles and hip abductors. These are the areas that are responsible for your “love handles” and respond well to strengthening exercises like those demonstrated in this video.


Love handles are the extra skin and fat that typically sit right above our hips above our belt line. Now the absolute best way to lose your love handles is actually through a healthy diet and plenty of healthy activity. You see - it is actually impossible to “spot treat“ fat. I can’t simply perform hundreds of oblique crunches and expect to lose weight in my sides and obliques.

That’s simply not how the body works.

In order to lose weight from your stomach, you need to focus on losing weight everywhere. Eating a healthy diet with eliminating sweets and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is going to help get you there the quickest.

That said, however, strengthening and toning the muscles in a given area will add muscle definition to that spot. If you want a toned, tight stomach you need to lose body fat AND tighten the underlying muscle.  This workout will certainly help to get you there.


Diastasis recti is a condition where increased tension on your foremost ab muscle causes it to separate vertically  down the middle. The most common condition that I see it in is pregnancy and post pregnancy.


 An estimated 2/3 of all pregnancies result in some degree of abdominal separation. Whether you are recently delivered or your baby is 10+ years old, it’s a good idea to check for this condition if you have not already done so. You can perform this simple test at home as follows: https://youtu.be/LpsvIeGBKuk


When you are performing core training with a diastasis recti there are certain exercises you want to absolutely avoid and other muscle contractions you should perform to help the separated halves come back closer together.

Here are three exercises to help heal your diastasis recti here are three of the worst core exercises for diastasis recti and what you should be doing instead: https://youtu.be/lpp21kgbWJM


Are you interested in a free “21-Day Diastasis Recti Workout Plan”? Simply click on this link and I’ll send one over to you today! https://toneandtighten.activehosted.com/f/14


While this is a great workout for anyone looking to tone their midsection and eliminate their love handles, I designed it with you moms in mind and especially you moms with this diastasis condition. The key is going to be attacking the obliques from all angles while holding your transverse abdominis (your natural “corset” muscle) nice and tight.

Simply follow along with the video to perform this workout in real time, or here is a list of all the exercises in the video (including time stamps for quick reference):

1. Standing Weighted Side Bends (10 reps on each side, 3 sets)
2. Side Plank Hip Dips (10 reps on each side, 3 sets)
3. Double Leg Lateral Raise (10 reps on each side, 3 sets)
4. Thread The Needle Side Plank (10 reps on each side, 3 sets)
5. Sumo Squat Side Bends (10 reps on each side, 3 sets)

Be sure to LIKE the video if you find it useful; also make sure you SUBSCRIBE to Tone and Tighten while you’re here. Thanks so much for watching!