Zend Framework 2 Config Modules
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What is Zend framework used for?
Zend is an open source PHP framework. It is pure object-oriented and built around the MVC design pattern. Zend framework contains collection of PHP packages which can be used to develop web applications and services. Zend was started by Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski. Is Zend Framework dead?
No, Zend Framework is not dead. It has essentially been rebranded as the Laminas Project under the Linux Foundation. ... All of the versions from 2.0 forward of the Zend Framework project, including Zend MVC applications What happened Zend Framework?
Zend Framework is now called Laminas. Apigility is now called Laminas API Tools. Expressive is now called Mezzio, which is a variation of the Italian word for middle. Is Zend Framework free?
Zend the framework is free. You can download it here: http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest. According the license (http://framework.zend.com/license/) you can pretty much do what you want with it. Which PHP framework is fastest?
When we did PHP benchmark testing, Laravel was the fastest of the PHP frameworks we tried What is Symfony framework?
Symfony is an Open Source PHP framework for web applications and a set of reusable PHP components. ... Thousands of web sites and applications rely on Symfony as the foundation of their web services. And most of the leading PHP projects, such as Drupal and Laravel use Symfony components to build their applications. Is Symfony dead?
Symfony is not dead, thanks to VueJS. Is yii2 dead?
Is Yii slowly dying? You can see in the activities list at https://github.com/yiisoft that Yii is still well and alive. Yii 2.1/3.0 have indeed faced some challenges (internal communication, decision making process, lack of resources), that led to Paul Klimov writing that article and stopping his (tremendous) effort. What is Mezzio?
Mezzio is the Laminas middleware runtime -- previously known as Expressive in the Zend framework. Middleware allows you to basically take an incoming request going to an outgoing response and have it go through a number of layers.
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